Undergraduate: Duke University 1978
Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine 1982
Residency: Baylor Affiliated Hospitals 1987
Fellowship: London Clinic 1988
Congratulations to Jeffrey A. Kozak, MD who is retiring from active clinical practice on March 31, 2025 after 37 years of exemplary patient care.
Undergraduate: Duke University 1978
Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine 1982
Residency: Baylor Affiliated Hospitals 1987
Fellowship: London Clinic 1988
“Laser Epiphysiodesis Using a Rabbit Model”, Transactions at the 32nd Annual Meeting, Orthopedic Research Society, Volume II, page 161, 1986
“Anterior Cervical Diskectomy, Microscopic Decompression and Fusion for Cervical Radiculopathy”, Journal of Spinal Disorders, 2:43-46, 1989
“Simultaneous Combined Anterior and Posterior Fusion – An Independent Analysis of a Treatment for the Disabled Low Back Pain Patient”, Spine, 15:322-328, 1990
“Rectus Sheath Hematoma After Anterior Lumbar Fusion”, Spine, 16:1377, 1991
“The Limitations of MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Pathologic Vertebral Fractures”, Spine, 16:919-923, 1991
“A Modified Technique of Anterior Lumbar Fusion with Femoral Cortical Allograft”, J. Orthopedic Surgical Techniques, 5:83-93, 1990
“Mechanics of Acute Stability in Lumbar Interbody Grafts”, Grant submitted, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service (1/91), Resubmitted 2/92
“The Sickle Ligament Revisited: Release of the Lumbosacral Ligament Via an Anterior Approach”, Spine, 18:2127-2130, 1993
“Interspace Distraction and Graft Subsidence Following Anterior Lumbar Fusion Femoral Strut Allograft”, Spine, 18:2393-2400, 1993
“Spinal Tuberculosis” (Chapter in Rehabilitation of the Spine, Science and Practice), Ed. Hochschuler, Cotler, Guyer, C.V. Mosby, pp. 387-390, 1993
“The Effect of Operative Position on Sagittal Alignment of the Lumbar Spine”, Accepted: Spine (3/93)
“Anterior Lumbar Fusion Options: Techniques and Graft Materials”, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 300:45-51, 1994
“Continuous Epidural Pain Management for the Spinal Fusion Patient”, Abstract for The North American Spine Society Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, 1994
“Sacroiliac Dysfunction, Natural History and Conservative Management”, Abstract for The North American Spine Society Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, 1994
“Comparative Biomechanical Analysis of Anterior Interbody Fusion Devices”, Poster Exhibit at The North American Spine Society Meeting, Minneapolis, October 19-22, 1994
“Outcome Factors in the Treatment of Infections in Lumbar Spine Surgery”, Abstract for The North American Spine Society, 1995 meeting
“Evaluation of an Ovine Spine Fusion Model”, Abstract for Orthopedic Research Society, 1996
“Symptom Magnification with and without Thought Disorders”, Abstract for AAOS 1997 meeting
“S.T.E.P.: A Rational Means to Ration Health Care. A Decision Model for Maximizing Outcomes in Spine Treatment”, Abstract for AAOS 1997 Meeting
“Outcomes Management through a Spinal Treatment Evaluation Process”, Journal of Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement, 1:15-23, 1997
“The Impact of Patient Outcomes on Standardized Outcome Measures from the SF-36” Poster Presentation at North American Spine Society, 1997
“Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: Reduction vs. In-Situ Fusion”, Back Up Vol. 2, pp 4-9, 2002
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
North American Spine Society
Texas Spine Society
Congratulations to Jeffrey A. Kozak, MD who is retiring from active clinical practice on March 31, 2025 after 37 years of exemplary patient care.
**New Location NOW OPEN** Walk-ins Welcome at 7718 Garth Road, Baytown, TX 77521
David R. Sollacio, MD – Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery – Coming April 1st
Wame N. Waggenspack, MD – Shoulder and Elbow Surgery – Coming May 5th