Research Experience
Orthopedics Research, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Dr. David Greenberg, MD
“Post Operative Pain Control Using Toradol for Prophylactic Intramedullary Femoral Nailing in Orthopedic Oncologic Patients with Femoral Lesions”
Prospective, RCT evaluating Toradol administration versus placebo in oncologic patients undergoing femoral intramedullary nailing
Status: ongoing
Orthopedics Research, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Dr. Howard Place, MD, Dr. Robert Morgan, MD
“Cost-Benefit Analysis of Spine Surgical Consultation for the Evaluation and Treatment of Transverse Process Fractures in the Thoracic and Lumbar spine”
Retrospective review detailing clinical utility and cost of spine team intervention for otherwise benign fractures of the spine
Status: ongoing
Orthopedics Research, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Dr. Howard Place, MD, Dr. Pooria Salari, MD
Project “Bracing versus Non-Bracing in Patients with Stable Thoracolumbar Compression or Burst Fractures”
Prospective trial evaluating clinical and radiographic perimeters associated with bracing versus no brace treatment in population of acute traumatic thoracolumbar compression and burst fractures
Status: Ongoing
Orthopedics Research, Indiana University Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Rodney Benner, M.D
Project “A Novel skin Closure Device for Total Knee Arthroplasty: Randomized Controlled Trial versus staples”
Published, Journal of Knee Surgery 2019 Jul 10
Presented at American Academy of Hip and Knee Surgery (AAHKS) 2017 annual meeting
Orthopedics & Research, IUEskenaziHospital, Indianapolis, IN 2015 – Present
Brian Mullis, M.D
Chief of Orthopaedic Trauma
Residency Program Director, Indiana University School of Medicine
Project: “Comparison of the Henry vs Thompson Approaches for Fixation of Proximal Radial Shaft Fractures: A Multicenter Study”
Study design: multicenter, 10-yr retrospective review & prospective analysis from 60+ patients
Data collection from documents from emergency medical services and clinical records
Metrics: injury classification, antibiotic dosing, procedure analysis, and post-operative outcomes
Orthopaedics Research, IUMethodistHospital, Indianapolis, IN 2015 – Present
Laurence Kempton, M.D
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Project: “Surgical Prediction of Outcomes in Painful Hardware Removal” Description:
Study design: 5-year prospective cohort study of 100 patients
Survey surgeons and patients and monitor outcomes in removal of symptomatic hardware
Determine surgeon prediction and patient satisfaction rates with HWR operations
Orthopaedics Research, IU Eskenazi Hospital, Indianapolis, IN 2015-Present
Brian Mullis, MD
Chief of Orthopaedic Trauma
Residency Program Director, Indiana University School of Medicine
Project: “Gun Shot Fractures of the Forearm are Bad Actors! A Multicenter Analysis”
Presented at 2018 New England Hand Society meeting
Research, Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Evansville, IN 2010-2013
Mari Hopper
Assistant Professor of Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine
Project: “Documenting metabolic changes in college students that place an individual at greater risk for the development of insulin resistance of the metabolic syndrome, a precursor to diabetes mellitus”
Our project examined the metabolic changes in young adults which place them at risk for diabetes mellitus from their freshman year through graduation four years
Responsibilities included:
Measuring subjects serum lipid levels and conducting free fatty acid assays
Conducting stress tests which consisted of a one-mile fitness walk and heart rate determination in order to calculate VO2 max levels
Teaching testing methods and techniques to younger colleagues new to the project
Completing training to become certified to work with human subjects
Oral and Poster Presentations of study findings
Research Fellowship, University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN 2011-2013
James Bandoli
Professor of Vertebrate Behavioral Ecology
Project: “Creating a Systemic Inventory of Vertebrates for the Southwestern Indiana Nature Preserve”
Awarded a summer 2-year funded position from the University of Southern Indiana to work with James Bandoli
A systematic inventory of vertebrates was conducted as part of the process of creating a nature preserve in southwestern Indiana
Responsibilities included:
Identifying and cataloging different species of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
Conducting a white-tailed deer population density survey
Mastering techniques including electrofishing, trap setting, bat ecolocation, bird watching, and animal track identification
Giving an oral presentation of results to students and faculty